We are thrilled that you decided to join the Impetus LSAT Forum. To help us help you more efficiently, please make sure to follow the following guidelines:
1. Please post using the following format to allow users to quickly find your explanation: PT#, S#, Q#
For example, if you have a question about Practice Test 65 Section 1 Question 14, the title of the post should be
"PT65 S1 Q14"
2. Avoid copyright infringement. Any violators will have their post taken down and may have their membership revoked. Do not post the entire question or passage under any circumstance.
3. Please search for the question number prior to posting a question, as your question may have already been answered. This will save time for you and the moderator.
4. No offensive language allowed. If offensive language is used, the individual who posted the comment will be given a warning. If the member continues to post offensive language, their posts will be deleted and they will be removed from the forum.
Please remember that the LSAT is a challenging exam and people have different starting points. This forum is meant to be an inclusive community where any question is allowed and encouraged. Please refrain from mocking or making fun of other users or their questions.
5. Have suggestions or comments on your opinion regarding the forum? Please submit any feedback to contact@impetuslsat.com.
6. Impetus LSAT will be unable to provide in depth explanations for concepts. This forum is meant for individuals who have questions about specific LSAT questions from previously administered exams. If a question requires a much deeper understanding of concepts, the moderator may recommend course material or private tutoring.
7. This forum is for Logical Reasoning only. Any questions pertaining to other section types will be removed or disregarded.